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Exel0n t1_jdjt26a wrote

wrong. docs in the US are extremely overpaid. the supply of docs annually is capped by the medical cartel, resulting in shortage of labor and elevated wages.

and i dont give a damn they "save lives". just coz they do, doesnt warantee high payment. labor should be determined by supply and demand in a true free market, not by merit.


SgathTriallair t1_jdkrphs wrote

If there is a shortage then the wages should go up by supply and demand laws, not down.


Exel0n t1_jdkszld wrote

what makes you even think the docs wages in US is going down. what a fucking joke.

they're extremly overpaid compared to docs in other developed countries, and especially to 3rd world and 2nd world countries.


SgathTriallair t1_jdl9jz3 wrote

I don't know who hurt you dude. I guess, like, I hope you get over it some day.


Exel0n t1_jdkt4oo wrote

and btw if u wanna over pay for the docs coz they "save lifes" then donate whatever money u want. the problem with socialists like you if you force others to do the same without others consent.