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Surur t1_jdzodsu wrote

If something is impossible it may not be worth doing badly.

Maybe instead of testing a student's ability to write essays, we should be testing their ability to have fun and maintain stable mental health.

I mean, we no longer teach kids how to shoe horses or whatever other skill has become redundant with time.


SkyeandJett t1_jdzvx84 wrote

Even if you stopped AI advancement right now at this exact moment in time the traditional classroom instruction model is completely fucked. You'd be much better off using GPT as a one on one tutor.


Necessary-Syrup-0 t1_je00x8o wrote

I would say teach a child with a human teacher that's using AI to supplement their teachings.


Neo-Geo1839 OP t1_jdzxzy0 wrote

While yes that is the ideal policy, it doesn't seem likely that it will be implemented by schools and they will probably continue to have them write essays, even if AI is a thing. Private schools would probably be lobbying the government to regulate AI and prevent it from writing essays and all of that or something rather than just do what you said.


errllu t1_je060dx wrote

Like i am sending my daughter to private school were they teach 'how to have fun'


errllu t1_je05sx1 wrote

Why the fuck we should test ppl for ability to have fun? I dont give a flaming fuck if a engineer knows how to have fun or not, nor any other job.


Surur t1_je068jc wrote

> if a engineer

Why would you need to be an engineer post-singularity?


errllu t1_je06z8k wrote

Killswitch engineer. Or 'engineer of horizontal surfaces' aka 'cleaning lady'.

There was a paper from JP Morgan recently, 7% of jobs gonna be automated over the next 10 years. Singularity wont take all jobs, at once, on the entire planet. Nor build those fusion reactors to power it from air. Chill


Surur t1_je07is8 wrote

It takes longer than 10 years to turn a child into an engineer, and the singularity is near.


errllu t1_je07tru wrote

Maybe it is, maybe it is not. School system reform is in order regardless, dont get me wrong, but sure af not directed at teaching kids to 'have fun'. Thats like one thing they know pretty well how to do