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Honest_Performer2301 t1_jdsz0ky wrote

My question is should we worry about a 401k? Should we just withdraw all the money we have now while (money) is actually relevant?


All_the_questions2 t1_jdu9ywr wrote

Yes. Invest in bonds, not just any bonds… dig into bonds… telegram a free and open source miracle for everyone is profitable… weird since it’s free. But if you read licenses you will unlock your options in to the future. Free to use, does not mean free of charge.

I’ll say it again. Free to use (you user) does not mean free of charge.

Telegram sold over 1 billion dollars in bonds to keep their servers free to use.

Wonder why anyone would buy them?

Maybe “free” isn’t quite what you thought.

Don’t expect developers to jump in here and express how jaded they are because you wouldn’t pay .99 cents for their glorious app.

This is revenge of the nerds ok…

Don’t stop using. We’ll always be free to use.

Now I’m taking my blue pill and dreaming of my happy place.