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Zer0D0wn83 t1_jef9lfu wrote

Reply to comment by SkyeandJett in 1X's AI robot 'NEO' by Rhaegar003

I also hope I'm wrong. A task != any task though. The level of dexterity and movement required is difficult. I'm thinking more from a hardware than a software perspective.


BigMemeKing t1_jefmcx4 wrote

Youre also thinking more from a human perspective, it's hard to do for humans because of our hands. A robot with specific attachments could do the job much easier. And it could just be a generalized attachments that could be used for multiple purposes. Or an attachment station that allows the bots to pre equip for a specific task.


KaliQt t1_jeftx4r wrote

While true, I think companies will rush to fill that role. Because we haven't had good general software to power the robots until recently, they didn't think to go past the initial hardware.

If general purpose robots become commonplace, naturally the next step would be to increase their performance and capabilities including making specialized robots. And it'll happen very quickly.