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Ribak145 t1_jee1oxu wrote

you could also ask "when will modern operating systems actually start taking jobs" and ignore the reduction of secretaries, you could ask the same question about productivity tools like Excel and ignore the exploding rise of productivity of workers since 1970 etc. -> its still mostly an efficiency effect

that happens across the board, across departements and across levels, f.e. Mercedes CEO 2018 announcing cutting 10k people, especially in middle management (I still remember how disturbed people were about that announcement all over Germany at that time)

so 'taking jobs', as in completely annihilating specific jobs throughout the world -> takes centuries, dont wait for it, cultural stickiness prevails for a long duration

but expanding usefulnes of services, raising efficiency etc. creates a lot of value, and to my knowledge AI-systems are already doing that (long before GPT)