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CertainMiddle2382 t1_jdgnl9b wrote

Like everybody else, fulfilling our urges in other ways than productive work.

Due to mimetism, we want things that we cannot have (often because they cannot be shared).

I predict I explosion in tasks that are difficult, time consuming, hierarchical, but totally unproductive:

Sports, fitness, “bodybuilding/improving” is the obious one.

For people with few gifts at this, non physical sports (much harder to exclude AI cheating though).

Anything producing artifacts, like music/plastic arts also will still exist but be enormously diluted by AI production. Apart live performances that will be in great demand, and I imagine will merge with the first activities (people at the top of physical competition will be able to diversify by providing live art, AI generated or not).

But my take is that the human body is going to be central in AI times.

Any other ideas?