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SgathTriallair t1_jdhsfwh wrote

You are still underestimating what AI can and will do. Those 30 million jobs can also be automated. The only job which can't be automated is owner because the owner isn't based on what they do but the fact that they real the profits. An economy that is just Gates and Elon isn't an economy.

Also, the other 7.97 billion of will riot if we are all told to go die. Those 30 million will not be able to stand up to that. The sea of humanity will demand the means of survival, which will be UBI. We did it in Rome, we did it in COVID, and we'll definitely do it with an AI induced layoff. That assumes of course that humans are still in charge of anything.


Artanthos t1_jdhu0d1 wrote

Not 30 million jobs.

30 million owners trading among themselves.


SgathTriallair t1_jdhvao6 wrote

Capitalism always concentrates wealth. Also, stop and calculate the economics for a few minutes and you'll realize that makes no sense. A single individual can only buy so many shirts and movie tickets. A 30 million global economy couldn't sustain itself at anywhere near the level we have now, it would be practically stone age.


Artanthos t1_jdhztqr wrote

  1. You think on a much smaller scale than even today’s wealthy.
  2. Automation will reduce costs.