Artanthos t1_jdhu0d1 wrote
Reply to comment by SgathTriallair in How will you spend your time if/when AGI means you no longer have to work for a living (but you still have your basic needs met such as housing, food etc..)? by DreaminDemon177
Not 30 million jobs.
30 million owners trading among themselves.
SgathTriallair t1_jdhvao6 wrote
Capitalism always concentrates wealth. Also, stop and calculate the economics for a few minutes and you'll realize that makes no sense. A single individual can only buy so many shirts and movie tickets. A 30 million global economy couldn't sustain itself at anywhere near the level we have now, it would be practically stone age.
Artanthos t1_jdhztqr wrote
- You think on a much smaller scale than even today’s wealthy.
- Automation will reduce costs.
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