Submitted by PointyReference t3_11nyzj9 in singularity
Given how fast current AI technology is progressing, I can't help but feel almost constantly anxious about what the future might look like in a few years. There are so many things that can go wrong with this technology, from things like AI generated disinformation everywhere and massive unemployment, to using AI in mass-warfare or even creating an AGI.
Most tech companies seem to only care about out-competing their competitors. I really wish we could slow down and first think of how this could all play out, but instead every company is announcing a new, faster and better model every week. This feels like it's happening way too fast, and I'm really afraid that a world might be a completely different ( and likely much worse ) place very soon.
I'm also scared that even if none of the scenarios described above come true, AI will still come for my job and my hobbies, and that soon everything I do will be meaningless as AI will be able to do it faster, cheaper and better.
All of that makes me feel super depressed and scared. I don't really know what to do.