Submitted by PrivateLudo t3_120o3x4 in singularity
I do believe that AI could potentially bring a great future to humanity in the long-term future. What scares me in the next few years. How the hell are we going to adapt to changes once 50%+ of people will lose their jobs?
Saying that the government will 'somehow adapt’ and they will surely do something about it, is incredibly naive considering how bad they are at resolving much smaller issues : like how abysmal most governments handled covid. AI is far more complicated than COVID. You’d need to pretty much create a new economical system from the ground up. The government is made of boomers that are absolutely out of touch with modern problems. For god’s sake, look at the video of the members of Congress asking Mark Zuckerberg the most ignorant and dumb questions. How can you trust those same people in power to understand AI and make regulations that benefits the americans/the world?
AI itself doesnt scare me at all, the tools are great. Its the idiots in power that scare me. Capitalism simply isn’t sustainable when AI will take over most of the jobs. While UBI is a great idea on paper, it has never been tested in a big scale. There will obviously be a huge paradigm shift when it comes to the economy. The problem is, every time humanity has been through a giant shift, millions of people died in the process. AI will happen FAST, people will lose their jobs before they even understand how the AI became so good. Most people have zero clue on what is about to come. The government in its own incompetence and how fast AI is evolving, could panic and I wouldnt be suprised that many people die in the process. We couldn’t even agree on COVID and the government didnt even know what to do. COVID is a piece of cake compared to AI