Submitted by Extrabytes t3_127fo3l in singularity
I am a zoomer, and my generation has already been thoroughly shafted by economic crises, a pandemic and social unrest, but our future seems even more bleak now than ever. I used to think that climate change was going to be the biggest threat to our future, but seeing the advancements AI has made convinced me that this is not the case. AI will have completely ruined our prospects long before climate change does us in.
Firstly, the tertiary education we will receive is going to be useless by the time we graduate. Universities and colleges will not have changed the layout or content of their courses to adequately adapt to a world in which usage of AI is common. We learn skills that are soon going to be unnecessary, and the skills we will actually need won't be taught. Even if right now educational institutions were trying to implement changes (they aren't) those changes would not be able to keep up with the pace at which technology is now advancing.
And when we do enter the workforce, unprepared as we will be, we will have to compete with people with 10-20+ years of experience using AI. There is absolutely no incentive for any company in any industry to hire a less competent starter over a seasoned veteran. Of course we should also remember that competetion will already be far more fierce as the amount of job positions shrinks due to the massive increase in efficiency as a result of AI assistance. And hell, with the speed at which AI developes entry level positions will be completely gone aswell. In 5-8 years any task that can be done by someone with zero experience will be completely automated.
Don't think that you will work in an industry that won't be affected by this, if AI can't replace a job right now it will be able to by the time you graduate.This might sound like sensationalist doomerism but if you aren't already working, which almost nobody in our generation is yet, you will be obsolete before you ever had a chance to work. My questions to my peers is: when do we start fucking rioting? I dont know how long I can keep watching my hopes and dreams being smashed apart by developements beyond my control.