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Lawjarp2 t1_iqupv5x wrote

The cringe in this subreddit is crazy. First they celebrated gato like idiots and now this.


Schpaedzles t1_iquxrjs wrote

I wouldnt say cringe, but the constant overreactions are a bit annoying lol


NTaya t1_iqv3v9w wrote

Gato was not cringe. It was very impressive due to multimodality—definitely worth celebrating, but for reasons other than this subreddit's.

Self-improving PaLM is interesting, but it uses the same old techniques for that, and it's not continuously improving nor superhuman, so yeah. Comments are definitely full of hopium. The article is still great, though, but as an incremental upgrade.


EOE97 t1_iqv21rq wrote

A decade ago and most people wouldn't expect this amount of progress any decade soon. Let them have their hopium.


Aggravating_Ad5989 t1_iqv60cm wrote

I wont be celebrating Gato until they can show it can be scaled up. Until then its just a toy.