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LordOfDorkness42 t1_ir7374y wrote

I'd buy that increase rate, given how quickly art-AI is moving right now.

Less than a year ago, you got pretty and well colored but abstract blobs.

This was three weeks ago.

This is 23 hours ago as of posting.

Do pardon the MLP focus, but the first images where my own 'holy frick, AI art has come that far?!' moment, so I wanted to keep things fair so the difference is highly visible.

But... yeah. We certainly live in interesting times, and I'm very curious what the coming years will hold for us.


TheAnonFeels t1_ir756qp wrote

You've been pardoned.

BUT, have you seen this?

I don't know much about where they came from, but the AI is still training


LordOfDorkness42 t1_ir76a5w wrote

Hadn't seen that one in particular, but I'd believe it.

Charlie, AKA penguinz0 did a video two weeks ago, where he was basically playing around with Stable Diffusion 1.5, and he made some really cool stuff.

A lot of it looked wonky, of course... but some of it I'd definitively stood and stared at for a few minutes if I'd seen it up on somebody's wall.


TheAnonFeels t1_ir7891t wrote

Yeah, i've seen a number of outputs from this guy and he's posted a few odd ones, bodies turned halfway through, sitting wrong way on a bench that also kinda disappears.. It has issues, but it can output quality more often than not..

Its just remarkable, I'm sure in a few months we'll see a whole lot more come out!


Quealdlor t1_ir9cz4o wrote

AI works are getting better and better, I can see that. Still the vast majority are bad. The one you linked is good. I often see arms, hands being painted in a wrong way. I still think that it will take multiple years before AI is as good as the best artists. Stable Diffusion should be called Unreliable Diffusion or Unsteady Diffusion for now, judging by all the works I've seen and done.


TheAnonFeels t1_ira0ks4 wrote

Even the fact it can produce quality, discredits all the bad works it produces. Rejecting the bad ones is simple enough, even if humans have to do it...

I don't see how it has an error rate is a problem?


SowingKnowing t1_ir904dv wrote

That third image, holy fucking shit!!!

Thanks for pointing that out with such great examples!


LordOfDorkness42 t1_ir99vqn wrote

You're welcome.

And yeah, cherry picked examples, of course, but I really think the Art-AI stuff is sliding under the radar of the public right now due to how much else is going on.

I've even seen faked signatures, speach bubbles and Patreon links. För now, those are just blobby swirls that look right only from a distance, but still.

I'm not sure if this is where we'll see the birth of some of the first true AI... but if nothing else, this seems like the next smartphone to me.

Just... poof, everywhere overnight for those that weren't paying attention, and THAT'S when the public freak out for a bit.


[deleted] t1_irdys5o wrote

If you assert true ai, there is false ai. This is correct, current "AI" is false. It does not exist yet. The science is not here yet.