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Future_Believer t1_irglxwd wrote


Seriously, you are asking for an opinion but not for qualifications or reasoning or educational level or educational focus or applicable hobbies. What will you do with the answers?

I consider the promulgation of usable information to be a reasonable thing and quite possibly, a positive thing. OTOH, the sharing of opinions without regard to foundation is IMNSHO unlikely to produce any positives.

I do not think you should base your planning for the future on my opinions. You may wish to consider Michio or Ray or some of the others whose life focus has been studies of the probable future but, I fail to see the utility of a collection of random internet opinions.

However, I am willing to listen.


intergalacticskyline OP t1_irgm4q3 wrote

I'm just trying to get a consensus of this community based off of my own curiosity, I'm only using this info for entertainment purposes, nothing else. Just trying to see everyone's opinions