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Rumianti6 OP t1_irrzsqo wrote

I mean it is dumb though, do you want me to instead say ignorant, unintelligent, stupid? This isn't some fancy discussion just a simple argument.


ChronoPsyche t1_irs2ac3 wrote

None of them. Make your argument without automatically putting opposing arguments in the category of "dumb/stupid/unintelligent/etc". It makes it sound like you aren't open to the possibility of somebody having a differing perspective that could be correct, which is pretty close-minded when it comes to futurism and the singularity, given how none of us really know for sure what's going to happen.


Rumianti6 OP t1_irs3yhe wrote

I'm literally saying that we aren't sure what's going to happen that is my argument.


earthsworld t1_irst5rz wrote

the only dumb thing in this thread are your replies.