Submitted by theferalturtle t3_y0ra2t in singularity
I kinda forsee two ways people will stay busy. One will be traditional artists and artisans creating hamdmade goods. Furniture. Clothes. Paintings. Running a coffee shop. So on and so forth. Things where the selling point is that it is created by a human being. The other career path will be online in virtual worlds. You'll be a professional adventurer in a game, sponsored by companies and followers or you might make weapons for those pro gamers. Or maybe you'll be a tour guide in ancient Rome (or the 90's) or teach art therapy or just gold farm for an mmo? What are your predictions?
Wise-Yogurtcloset646 t1_irtfsti wrote
It's like asking a farmer in 1750 what work there will be in 2020 after the industrial revolution. He could not have imagined the jobs we have today. Same goes for this. We have no clue. Perhaps you become an AI psychiatrist or an asteroid belt miner.