Gerry_McGuinness t1_is1dbzs wrote
Sure, but what’s the upload? 😀
gangstasadvocate t1_is1h3mn wrote
Damn that’s like 46 times more than I could even store on my hard drive in one second that’s insane
didact t1_is1lqv0 wrote
Isn't it 4,600?
Classic_Cry7759 t1_is1lzz5 wrote
Kinexity t1_is1mtsg wrote
1 Mbps. Take it or leave it.
Kinexity t1_is1n5xy wrote
I am going to make an educated guess it's actually only 5,75 times more.
gangstasadvocate t1_is1pxv6 wrote
I mean I only have a terabyte solid-state drive so
Kinexity t1_is1q8nw wrote
Which means this link can send about 5,75 times more data in a second than your drive's capacity.
gangstasadvocate t1_is1qw7j wrote
Cool was just reaffirming your educated guess. And it’s still mind-bogglingly fast for me at least
IM_INSIDE_YOUR_HOUSE t1_is1urjy wrote
Ping still at 28.
Fartknockker t1_is1zyfg wrote
drums_addict t1_is21qnx wrote
Why can't the telecoms do this?
SgathTriallair t1_is22o9r wrote
The EXTREME expense.
brunogadaleta t1_is276jd wrote
Because Storage in expressed in bytes (8bits units). Transfer in bits per second. Right ?
Kinexity t1_is287ud wrote
BearStorms t1_is2b6xs wrote
My ISP has 1.25 TB monthly limit. So I would blow through it in like 200ms...
EDIT: Fixed GB to TB
-ZeroRelevance- t1_is2fx4a wrote
Where do you live that still has capped home internet?
overlordpotatoe t1_is2m3xq wrote
That's crazy small. Can you just not download games or watch videos at all?
overlordpotatoe t1_is2mipd wrote
I imagine you'd have to do some pretty major upgrades to the physical Infrastructure and for something that would have no real benefit to most people over much slower speeds.
BearStorms t1_is2nchs wrote
Devanismyname t1_is2rfou wrote
Like you'd barely be able to surf the internet with that
overlordpotatoe t1_is2uux7 wrote
Yeah. I'm pretty sure my basic, cheapest you can buy phone plan gives me way more than that. And I'd been at risk of going over it at times just using Tumblr for a few hours a week back in the day.
BearStorms t1_is30unv wrote
Oh sorry, I meant 1.25 TB
BearStorms t1_is30yfo wrote
Oh sorry, I meant 1.25 TB
LowAwareness7603 t1_is32uj8 wrote
overlordpotatoe t1_is3bxyl wrote
OH. That makes far more sense.
Primus_Pilus1 t1_is3dtz9 wrote
Rural areas
CommunismDoesntWork t1_is3sqc2 wrote
English uses decimals not commas
ISnortBees t1_is3y0lt wrote
I picture a Randy Marsh looking scientist sneaking into the lab at night to ‘enjoy’ some internet
PoliticsRealityTV t1_is4bh9e wrote
Would Starlink be a viable option for you? The tech always interested me but I'm fortunate enough that it'd be a downgrade from my current ISP.
[deleted] t1_is4bwsu wrote
BearStorms t1_is4c833 wrote
I made a typo, my ISP has 1.25 TB monthly limit, which sucks but it is good enough most of the time. I just reached it for the first time filling my new PS5 with games. Starlink seems like more expensive and worse option. However, I was always dreaming of maybe living in a big RV for some time (probably not happening now with family) or buying a house in the country somewhere in the middle of nowhere and Starlink would be a great option.
aerbourne t1_is4jivc wrote
Bits vs bytes
gosefi t1_is4tv51 wrote
gangstasadvocate t1_is59k74 wrote
Oo that’s right yeah that’ll do it
Dras_Leona t1_is6pc2p wrote
What is this actually being used for? On this article and on the website it just vaguely says things like climate science and clean energy but what does that actually mean?
Longjumping_Fly_2978 t1_is7kwlj wrote
In this sub reddit there are biased moderators Who delete post according to their emotions: if you do not accept the fact that with the likely approval of the FDA Modernization Act 2.0 animal testing Is not going to be mandotory( still not banned) for toxicity and efficacy testing in favour of alternative methods, that's your problem! The truth can be pretty bitter sometimes
Sithsaber t1_isbtdea wrote
Ever accelerating complexity
Shelfrock77 OP t1_is1bbsu wrote
“Even if you're on a 10 Gbps fiber connection, ESnet6 has you beat 46,000 times over.”