Submitted by crua9 t3_y445sd in singularity
It's obvious one day eye implants will be a thing. Where instead of needing AR/VR headset you have implants or contact lenses which act like this. This letting you basically have 24/7 AR support.
I wonder how the world in general will view us. Like I wonder if cops will target us thinking we are on drugs. Anyone who watches the first amendment auditor stuff, I wonder if the general public and cops will react well when you have something built in your head recording all the time or could be recording at any point. I wonder if laws will be able to keep up and protect us, or will it be well you need to go blind if you go into these buildings where it says you can't use a camera.
ihateshadylandlords t1_isc45m6 wrote
I think AR implants/contact lenses are at least 20 years away. Whenever they arrive, they’ll probably spam advertisements all day, so I there have to be good reasons for the average Joe to get AR contacts. The recording aspect is interesting, although that could be ripe for abuse i.e. hacking personal videos and/or creep shots.