Submitted by crua9 t3_y4as0i in singularity
Shamwowz21 t1_ishe1z1 wrote
Interesting! If a company goes out of business and there is a need that can be met for money (repairs of an older model, or need to replace said model) then a new business is born. I would not worry about that. Upkeep isn’t an issue, as said tech can replace an entire organ/major body part. So, treat it like a part of you and I’m sure it’ll last, as the engineering would have to be extremely clever as-is. If it does need maintenance, we’ll be at a point that it’s easy to maintain such a complex system(s). The lack of need, only assumes the current environment. As things change, who knows what kind of bodies will be required or desired i.e: a world with more time, perhaps will make better lungs for hiking the Himalayas, or interplanetary needs may leave one desiring a cyborg body if only temporary, or a robotic one should they not want to cross space for years at a time- the possibilities are endless, so with that clue we should assume the modifications will also be endless. Some things will be trendy, like bigger muscles or longer/shorter limbs, emergency 2nd heart(? who knows), etc etc it’ll have to be met with a need, I agree- but who knows what needs such a strange world will have? :)
crua9 OP t1_isi1y16 wrote
>If a company goes out of business and there is a need that can be met for money (repairs of an older model, or need to replace said model) then a new business is born.
There is people today with medical implants from a business that went out of business. Many their unit broke and they have no way to repair it. There has been repair companies that came up, but most died quickly due to lack of supplies.
You're thinking of something like a smartphone when you need to be thinking of something like a medical device. These devices will be attached to us in a serious way or they will be inside of our bodies. Like imagine having the repair place having to take out one of your eyes to work on it. Now what if they used lead or other things that can cause long term problems? These aren't companies you can just spin up. Unlike a smart phone, these things can kill people if repaired wrong.
>a world with more time, perhaps will make better lungs for hiking the Himalayas, or interplanetary needs may leave one desiring a cyborg body if only temporary, or a robotic one should they not want to cross space for years at a time- the possibilities are endless, so with that clue we should assume the modifications will also be endless.
I imagine at some point we will be able to remotely control a robot as if we are there. This taking away all danger other than PTSD. So like you want to hike the Himalayas, but maybe don't have the money to travel, you have only the weekend to do it, or you just don't want to be in the danger. You can just rent out a remote robot you can use a brain implant to remotely control as if you were there. And with sensors you can see, smell, and so on as if you are there. (side note, I have no doubt the porn industry will make this possible. Like that is most likely going to be where a lot of the funding will come in. Most likely even more than the military.)
Shamwowz21 t1_isi587z wrote
I’m thinking of a world where artificial human eyes that are enhanced with robotics will have a repair shop aka hospital that can adequately serve people in a world where even some can afford it, and others soon will. It may just be too soon for specific repairs, but hospitals are basically malls for the body. There will be an area designated for things like this, as there are even for more rare specialties. Sure, you can rent a robot to go up the Himalayas or Mount Everest, but people do that for the danger and personal growth typically, so I think it’ll still have a place even if another route has robots for everyone else.
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