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Shelfrock77 OP t1_it1295s wrote

“Researchers at Yale and the University of Rhode Island (URI) have demonstrated a new technique to fight cancer by attaching immunotherapy drugs to a molecule that seeks out the acidic environment of cancer cells. In tests in mice, a single dose was enough to eradicate even advanced tumors.”


TimeAloneSAfrican t1_it1ado8 wrote

Once heard from an oncology sister that cancer treatment progress is the fastest. Every year's treatment is different from the year before.


gangstasadvocate t1_it2mjso wrote

Hell yeah fuck all types of cancer! That’s gangsta


iAmMonkee- t1_it3caf9 wrote

damn, mice aren’t gonna have to worry about shit here pretty soon


HyperImmune t1_it3kq5m wrote

Based on the life cycle of pharmacological progress, 2030 is going to be awesome.


kmtrp t1_it4uz9t wrote

Just to remind everybody... I worked in neuroscience for ten years (not a scientist) and we gauged around half of all published papers were not reproducible. It's very easy to publish trash. Outsiders should know what the Impact Factor is and how all journals are ranked with it from less BS to completely BS. Don't think that "peer review" means a lot.

Which is another way of saying we've been curing rats of all ailments since the 1990s. I worked in spinal cord injuries and I've seen it "cured" a dozen times (it hasn't been cured yet, only some motor improvement and only very recently)


kmtrp t1_it6lb3h wrote

It's widespread, but couldn't tell you about other branches. We hired a PhD student to work on a metapaper (a paper about papers) to separate the wheat from the chaff, and she uncovered 11,000 papers that were irreproducable or completely useless. Now think of all the research money and researcher's time that went into those papers. There are other concerns that point to a broken system of "publish, just publish something".

The way we do research is broken. It is disheartening.

Check out Veritasium talking about some of this