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Sashinii t1_it8qrq4 wrote

I can't even keep up with Google's AI progress anymore, let alone AI progress in general.


mj-gaia t1_it8rbkc wrote

I never understand a single thing posted here but comments like yours tell me that AI seems to be progressing really fast right now so thanks that’s all I need to understand I guess lol


AdditionalPizza t1_it8zew3 wrote

Basically look at it this way, scaling works but we haven't scaled massive again (yet). But also in ELI5 terms, they're discovering significantly "better ways to scale" in a sense. So It's going to be bonkers when we do a next generation scale.


Spoffort t1_itbjybr wrote

In a way, it doesn't make sense to make big models when there is so much progress in the method of creating them, do you agree?


AdditionalPizza t1_itbr8e9 wrote

There's no point in wasting money/time on a large model right now, I agree.

At least until they're satisfied enough to try another larger model again.


WashiBurr t1_it90w67 wrote

Yeah, I enjoy a good new paper every now and then but it's just not possible to be completely in the loop anymore.