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AI_Enjoyer87 t1_itfyqd1 wrote

I know this is the unpopular opinion but after seeing what Google and Meta have been putting out probably before 2025.


AI_Enjoyer87 t1_itfyy7a wrote

Then again I am one of these nuts who thinks AGI by 2025. Hopium might be clouding my judgement. Time will tell!


ActuaryGlittering16 t1_itjqo5p wrote

Can you show me some stuff that is out now that leads you to believe this is happening in 2-3 years? Curious to see where we are as far as cutting edge tech.

I’m going to spend next year writing a screenplay that will eventually become a film once this tech exists. Imagine being able to make a full length feature film with just a screenplay and some sort of software that allows you to do the rest utilizing AI with text-to-video.

I personally think that's 7-10 years away but that’s just a guess 😃