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TheHamsterSandwich t1_itoo2gw wrote

Live life as normal. The optimism that runs this subreddit is often disappointing in reality. 5-10 years from now, things won't be that different if different at all.


rushmc1 t1_itophgj wrote

Oh, they'll be different all right. FAR worse, due to political and social changes.


Devoun t1_itoqwgf wrote

We got the optimists on one side and the doomers on the other side

In reality things will be more in the middle


TheHamsterSandwich t1_itor2vg wrote

There's no way nearly all jobs will be automated in 10 years. Even with exponential advances in technology, I can't see that happening.


Devoun t1_itorfej wrote

I wish all these things would happen! But yeah full automation within 10 years is crazy.


iSpatha t1_itoyjgc wrote

Only 20-30% of jobs need to be automated for there to be serious problems, IMO.


cloudrunner69 t1_itozzzt wrote

I know right. Like 20% is fucking crazy. That would be around a billion people unemployed world wide which is significantly enough to have some serious impact on global society.


rushmc1 t1_itoqz8d wrote

That's a good rule of thumb...until it isn't.