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t1_itp2h4v wrote

'rarely is value created for nothing'. Well hope it gets more common because post singularity none of us will have any real value.


t1_itp3e3y wrote

U will have no value and everyone will have equal basic income and if u do something above that you will be paid more

I think that u cant really escape that.

Money are already printed from thin air, not gold backed.

Its just matter of time.


t1_itp58d8 wrote

This is why I've always thought that it's a damn good idea for people to setup a self sufficient family/community home out in nature. That way there is no pressure to rely on society, if it goes down you stay up, if it screws with you you give it the finger. It's incredibly easy to do as well, with how much information and technology is floating around.

You can spend a few days learning how to start a food forest. You can order books cataloging the native edibles and herbs in your area. You can setup a forge and a shop, or even a small saw mill or a textile for utilizing hemp or cotton fibers, get animals if you have enough land. There's a thousand ways to supply electricity, water, and raw material to these homesteads (especially in a community), that is both cheap and reliable. Not to mention this shit is incredibly fun to do. It's like minecraft in real life. And it's possible to setup something nice and simple out on a few acres if you're alone. If you have even 3 people, it's incredibly easy to setup something really nice if you're patient and stay consistent (just like minecraft lmao).


t1_itp5le8 wrote

Im also a big fan of ecovillages and been planning to open one for very long.

I will eventually do it, just a matter of couple years.

I tried to gather crowdfunding, but that is impossible.

What is possible is one rich person enough to buy land and just sell/rent parcels, rent for just working in EV.

I got people willing to partake in this.

Do u have any place in particular, for such thing ?

I personally am big on Philipines, cuz of no winters, hot climate and abundance of places to go, visit, preferably by boat, abundance of fishing, close to sea and many more, such as cheap land, workforce, etc


t1_itp6j1d wrote

Im heavily resistant to the idea of needing money to live off the land, but I suppose it's necessary if you want to go around building shelters and fences and not just having seed, song and fire - with a nightly tent shelter. I could do either, but it wouldddd be nice to "own" my own space, I suppose. I personally feel at home anywhere, and I just want to have an adventure with all kinds of people and animals everyday, but for comfort and peace of mind, having that community and maintained gardens to come back to, would be pretty nice. I just wish they were literally all over the place. These homes and society in general just doesn't hit like it should. Our spaces should be fun and adventurous and free spirited, but it's all about safety, productivity, and boundaries.

I'm looking for freedom in the world. Maybe one day we can dissolve our borders and help each other all have abundance. In the meanwhile a community would be a nice starting point. I'm personally broke tho lmao. I'm in north Texas and it's actually quite nice. Proximity to Austin and other cool cities is dope. Haven't put much thought into going outside the US but it seems Intriguing. Hmmmmm


t1_itp7jba wrote

Well, I am from Poland and I want to move sooner or later, rather sooner, to PH. Life is cheaper and better over there.

Money is just needed to kickstart things. Later on, u are indeed sustainable. Plus u can make money from producing some products, like food, jams, idn, u name it, can be anything. Income is needed, u cant drill ur own gas and fuel ur boat with it, I guess:) Some money is necessary.

Subject is very broad.

I am open to discuss more if u want to. I rly like this idea.

Send me ur fb thru pm and I will notify u, if things start to heat up ^^


t1_itrwty7 wrote

Indeed, money will always be practical as long as a vast majority is still valuing and using it. It is a really cool idea!! If nothing else I'd love to visit and help grow food and just hang out at the place if you start one. I don't really use Facebook, but I have a telegram and Instagram. Feel free to pm me for them. Otherwise, we know where to find each other on reddit!