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FranciscoJ1618 t1_itos3st wrote

2050+. The US will probably be one of the worst countries to live because of their "everything is communism" trauma. UBI will be rejected for that reason and probably any other help. Europe and LatinAmerica will have the fastest transitions to UBI based or similar economic systems. That's because most of the countries there already live in social democracies and don't have the american mindset. Bad side: UBI at 90%+ of the population will maybe end up being dictatorial.

Edit: grammar mistakes


BinyaminDelta t1_itov8lg wrote

Bad side: UBI at 90%+ of the population will maybe end up being dictatorial.

Kind of explains the American distaste for communism.


ChurchOfTheHolyGays t1_itp6blx wrote

Universal Basic Income needs to be coupled with Universal Maximum Wealth. That's the bit everyone is missing and that's the exact detail that will make our lives under UBI even worse.