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r0cket-b0i t1_itz1to4 wrote

I wonder if Full dive VR comments come from people who Watched Pantheon or something and that concept became stronger?

Context wise - I dont see FDVR as any precursor to singularity. Sure its nice tech concept but to me it sounds like expecting holograms, that was a thing, and we just dont see tech evolving to that direction too much, we do have holographic 2Pac, and its all we needed.

I advice to first think of how do we define impact? Lets say you are a brick and mortar worker selling vegetables... Your social security data, your bank account, your medical data, the way vegetables are grown, they way people find your store on the map - all of those have changed completely in the past 10-15 years. If Singularity and AGI come around 2030 - those will change again and to a greater extend, but will you still be selling vegetables? Well we are most likely not changing our bodies to such extremes that we branch too far from the human condition of today so yes you may still be selling vegetables...