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slightlycolourblind t1_iuubvd5 wrote

there'd a good chance facial recognition software just wasn't trained on large amounts of black faces. if training data was overwhelmingly white (likely, it's issues), then it's gonna have trouble with faces of other races. these kinds of problems are honestly fairly common (medical science/research is overwhelmingly biased towards white men, for example, and has caused many problems for POC), and just dismissing these concerns doesn't seem right to me


red75prime t1_iuuzbuq wrote

> medical science/research is overwhelmingly biased towards white men

And when it isn't it creates another kind of political problems like the ones with isosorbide dinitrate/hydralazine.


sumane12 t1_iuvg6o3 wrote

I agree completely, whatever the reason for the biases of the AI, it needs to be thoroughly researched to remove those biases, but the point of the article is to trigger people by saying "we have no idea what these AI are thinking, but they are racist!" And that's completely false.