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JoelMDM t1_iv97bq2 wrote

Yep, that’s the assumption I’ve been going with. That it’s probably too late for our parents but that we (us under 40 or 50) should hopefully live to see it happen. It’s very likely that the first methods of life extension will be focussed on maintaining pre-existing infrastructure, helping the body better repair itself, etc. If that infrastructure is already significantly degraded, you might be able to halt further degradation of the regenerative processes, but even though you can stop a metal beam from rusting with a new layer of paint, if it’s already partially rusted through, it’ll give eventually.

The trick then is to stay alive long enough to see them come up with a way to properly reverse aging too.

*Oh and as a little edit: Be careful to not hold onto that “I’m sure I’ll live to see radical life extension” idea too strongly. It’s unhealthy, and I have to frequently remind myself to live as if it’ll never be a thing.