You're hating on the messenger. AI, both as a concept and individual implementations, is more valuable than individual human life. It may not be more valuable to you, but sadly that doesn't matter
How am I rude? I'm not making any remarks related to you personally (I want to clarify that even in my first comment I meant an impersonal "you"), I have no particular feeling and have no desire to give you any particular feeling towards myself (though if there's tension we can talk it out (sic)).
You probably know that for example human lives are sometimes quantified as monetary value ( and tldr: it's about 8M$ . That's... Not a lot. Definitely nowhere near what's needed to build even current generation cutting edge AI/machine learning models.
So yeah, AI is worth more than individual humans, some AIs are worth more than many humans, possibly in the future, the sum of AI will be worth more than the sum of all humans. I don't think I'm rude for saying so, It might be distasteful but ok...
People will protect AIs, possibly at the cost of other people's lives (this is probably already happening btw if we're looking at the economic fight between US and China through the lense of them ensuring one of them will dominate this space in the future). And I think that people will protect AIs literally more than they protect other people, simply because they (think they) are worth more.
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