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[deleted] t1_ivumt1y wrote


was_der_Fall_ist t1_ivupfec wrote

You don’t think voice will be a means of communicating with AI systems?


DyingShell t1_ivv8amz wrote

I mean you can already speak to an AI lol xD


BinyaminDelta t1_ivvhgvd wrote

Yeah Web Voice API is literally built into Chrome. Voice to speech is trivial at this point, and only getting better with systems like Whisper.


w33dSw4gD4wg360 t1_ivvb0wf wrote

It will be similar to how tony stark and jarvis interact to create things, able to grab objects, form terrain, adjust physics, move camera, etc in 3d space. Could even use a bci to communicate abstract ideas or visualizations and see them in front of you in real time. But before then, will probably be text or advanced game engine on a desktop