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KIFF_82 t1_ivxiidh wrote

I believe many of them come from futurology, which is one of the saddest and depressing subreddits ever created. Why they are joining this one..? idk.


HeinrichTheWolf_17 t1_iw14qpi wrote

I started over there back from 2011, used to be a good Subreddit back then, but now it’s basically r/climatechangedoomerism not r/futurology anymore.

A lot of people say the mods ruined it and I tend to agree.


RavenWolf1 t1_iw53t4j wrote

Don't worry, this sub is fast turning like futurology because all the bullshit article spam we are having here these days.


KIFF_82 t1_iw78abj wrote

Let’s see what happens after gpt-4. 🤞