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thetwitchy1 t1_iwrf6fh wrote

Here’s the point: if a biological system can replace the individual biological parts (cells) with new biological replacements and it’s the same person, why would it be different if we replaced the biological parts with more durable non-biological ones?

Getting them to mimic the originals well enough AND be more durable would be the hard part.


Kracus t1_iwrg0u6 wrote

I fully understand the point. In fact if you search through my posts on this subreddit I’ve already spelled out in great detail this exact scenario several times. It’s still the same concept as the ship of Theseus.

As to perfecting the technology I have no doubt it will happen in the future.


thetwitchy1 t1_iwrh6go wrote

Oh, sorry, I know. That was more a “coles notes” version than a “here’s what you need to see” version.

I completely agree with you and think you have a firm understanding of the topic.