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HeinrichTheWolf_17 t1_ixdz145 wrote

You can’t stop it for everyone, but you can do it for as many people as you possibly can. I put the eradication of people’s pain as a top priority.

A video game is also different, because in a video game you don’t feel pain, you don’t have your limbs blown off, and you retain all your knowledge, you can pause the game, or you could just go to the main menu and quit easily. The only equivalent to that in real life is a bullet through your brain for a lot of people, imagine growing up as a kid in Somalia having to drink out of water infested with cow shit, that’s horrible and that child has no way out of that nightmare barring taking their own life. That is why alleviating that kind of pain is pivotal.

I believe in giving sentient beings complete and total control, and to be untethered to a single form is exactly how you do that.