AbeWasHereAgain t1_ixn44xm wrote
…but are they really wrong for freaking out? Unless government backstops the chaos, many people are absolutely screwed.
iNstein t1_ixptgb7 wrote
I'd say that given how they covered the pandemic, it is a good bet that they will protect people affected. If course I don't live in a 3rd world country like the US so might be different there, watch who you vote for.
corwynaf t1_ixus6di wrote
Most people. And it won't. Most of us are or will soon be useless to the owning class, and a source of instability and threat. From their perspective culling is the only reasonable course of action.
Honest_Science t1_ixtnx00 wrote
He is not posting here....he has been posted here by someone else
-ZeroRelevance- t1_ixtwatb wrote
OP is Alan D. Thompson, his initials are his username. I've seen him here for a while, so I'm pretty confident he's legit.
iNstein t1_ixk242h wrote
Alan D Thompson is a great YouTuber who really knows his stuff. Highly recommend watching his videos. Awesome to see him posting here.
Turing definitely seemed to know what was coming and how we would react.