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Not-Banksy t1_iy199lw wrote

2002 was still dial-up internet for many, though broadband was on the scene. The internet was scattered, knowledge and communities were based around n specific domain name forums and video media was not the norm. Ads weren’t nearly as targeted. Technology was still seen as “nerdy” by many youngsters at the time. MySpace was starting its rise.

2012– smartphones had hit critical mass, WiFi was starting to proliferate (as far as publicly and freely available) and I remember just a year or so before getting a kick out of streaming a music video on demand on my google g2 smartphone as I was riding in a car The internet had consolidated into the large names we have today, but it was still finding it’s footing.

Today— AI and VR are household names, though not household tools. We’ve realized by and large that maybe connecting everyone all the time was not a wise idea. Though some wish to go back to less techy time, those days are long gone and will never return.