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Madrawn t1_iycaslv wrote

>Q: Explain the difference between supervised and unsupervised data in the context of neural networks.

A: Supervised data is data with labels attached, meaning it has been classified and organized. In the context of neural networks, supervised data is used to train the network by providing labeled input and expected output. The network can then compare its output to the expected output and adjust accordingly. Unsupervised data, on the other hand, has no labels or expected output associated with it. Neural networks can be used to process unsupervised data to find patterns and relationships in the data.


Madrawn t1_iycb53q wrote

Q: How long does it take, from the objects perspective, for an object passing the event horizon of a super massive blackhole to reach the singularity?

From an outside observer's perspective, an object that passes the event horizon of a supermassive blackhole would take an infinite amount of time to reach the singularity. This is because of time dilation effects, which cause time to appear to slow down as one approaches the event horizon, and eventually stop completely at the singularity.

From the object's perspective, however, the journey would be much shorter. The gravitational effects near the event horizon would begin to stretch and distort the object, eventually stretching it out into a long thread-like shape known as "spaghettification". The object would then eventually be stretched into a single point and fall into the singularity, all within a finite amount of time.

Q: From the object's perspective how long does it take to reach the singularity relative to the blackholes mass?

The exact amount of time it takes for an object to reach the singularity from the object's perspective is directly related to the mass of the black hole. The more massive the black hole, the stronger its gravitational field. This means that objects will experience a stronger gravitational pull and enter the singularity faster.

Stop avoiding my question! Just say you don't know.