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HumanSeeing OP t1_iyd9p5z wrote

Oh yea i feel the ban too.. such a stupid move to babysit people's lives. I am now looking more into nature stuff and thankfully nature has plenty to offer.

Edit: Hey friends that downvote me for whatever reasons! Everyone is not lucky enough to end up with a healthy and happy brain, or body. And everyone's paths in life are different where we end up.

Some have to deal with deep trauma and mental illnesses. I am much better than i was before, i got through a decade of depression. But i still feel that pain, anxiety and i have chronic physical pain as well.

Some can deal with these issues without any substances at all, some can't. Everyone is different and everyone's brains and body chemistries are different.

To me, i could simply not continue to live if i did not have things that take the pain away. Or give me new and different perspectives of life that would be very difficult to obtain otherwise.

If you don't need to take anything to live and to do whatever you need to do then that is absolutely wonderful! And i wish i was like that. But to me and where i am, drugs have helped me and improved my life a lot and helped me to move on from some horrible things.
