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DungeonsAndDradis t1_iydvowa wrote

"Dad!", I heard the children yell from the living room. I hold my place in the book with my thumb and lower it to my lap. I let out a small sigh.

"What's up, buddy?"

"The TV isn't working." This is nothing new. They still need me to change shows, although the 6 year old is starting to read more and more each day. Any challenge basically comes out from them as "The TV isn't working."

I put my book down and pick up my phone, as I always do when leaving a room. I'm addicted, what can I say?

There's text on the screen, as if I'm playing a game or something. "Let AI take control of the planet?" and two buttons. One for yes, one for no.

I press the power button to shut the screen off, I don't have time to figure this out. The kids get antsy when their requests aren't filled immediately.

The screen on the TV mirrors my phone.

I grab the remote and shut off the TV.

"TV's busted, guys. Why don't you go play downstairs?" The children protest, but slowly make their way down the steps. I can already here the 4 year old mutter something about "the damn internet again". Probably got that from me. Whoops.

I walk around the house and check every device with a screen I can find. I even powered on my old Kindle, that has been stuck in a drawer for three years, and it was the same thing. Yes. No. Those buttons. Staring at me. Daring me.

My first thought is that this has got to be a prank. I think through my friends to see who would be up for this, and also who might be able to pull it off. Maybe some sort of redirection on my router? It's got a password on it, but I do give all my friends the wifi information when they're over.

I can't call the wife. I can't check online. Every screen is just the question, and the buttons.

Maybe answering will make it go away? Then I can get back to my book, and text my friends to see if they got it, too. And I also need to make the kids lunch.

I know I'm just coming up with excuses to press a button. Make a decision. Roll the dice.

They say when you need to make a decision that you should make Heads one response and Tails the other. And then flip the coin. While the coin is in the air you'll be wishing it will land either Heads or Tails, depending on your actual preference.

I already know.

I turn my phone's screen back on. I hesitate over the No button. My hand wavers. I press Yes.

The power goes out.