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fflorez91 t1_iyl3mlw wrote

I think a lot will depend on how these tools can be integrated with existing code. If the models get to a level where they can understand proprietary systems and handle legacy code then it will be very hard for humans to compete with these models.

Even though I also had a bit of an existential crisis after today's release, I think we are underestimating the fact that you need to have some technical knowledge to write the correct prompt. All posts in social media that I have seen so far about using GPT-3 to write code are from people who know how to code. I dont think someone without any technical knowledge would think of using the tool in that way.

Instead of this being a threat to your career, it could be an opportunity. I would suggest that you start incorporating some of these tools to your workflow. These tools will make you more efficient and they will become necessary in order to stay relevant. I am actually excited that maybe I finally get to finish a side project 😂

On thing I would recommend is to get good at data processing. Machine Learning models are only as good as the data that is used to train the model so good data sets will be extremely valuable in the future. Learn how to clean up data, do cross validation and determine the accuracy of models. This will be crucial skill