Submitted by blxoom t3_za20ct in singularity

I've discussed this in the past on other subreddits and there have been mixed opinions. usually people talk about the ice crystals forming in the blood, but alcor uses vitrificaiton. there are no crystals formed in blood using this method. there is no structural damage. a dead human in 50 years will be in the exact same state he's in just 50 minutes after he's dead (although the cryoprotectans are deemed toxic, which the scientists believe can be reversed in the future). is there a chance ASI or the singularity will create medical technologies capable of resuscitating these people in stasis?

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GhostInTheNight03 t1_iyjrxu2 wrote

Okay so I just deleted my comment and would like to redact my opinion because I misread the title...given the right preservation methods I don't see why not...


redbucket75 t1_iyjspdm wrote

Assuming some level of human control over an AI run world, maybe. I guess humans might choose to keep these folks on ice cuz why not, and in 1000 years someone might want to thaw one out to learn about history from them.

If AI makes the decisions, naw no reason to try.


Professional-Song216 t1_iyjtli4 wrote

It depends on how complex the universe actually is and how capable a complex thinking system can become. Hopefully we will see what is possible


ShittyInternetAdvice t1_iyjwgpo wrote

This is my backup plan in case I don’t live to see radical life extension therapies. Even if it’s a tiny chance, better than no chance at all


sumane12 t1_iykb0ng wrote

I'm inclined to think slim chance, but until we know more about consciousness, it's a coin toss at this point


Sashinii t1_iykfouh wrote

I'm incredibly confident that those who have been cryopreserved will be reanimated.


rixtil41 t1_iykmtcb wrote

It's more possible than faster-than-light communication.


donaldhobson t1_iykp874 wrote

Technologically is it possible. Sure. Most of the failure modes are non-fundamental. Everything from the company going bust. The containers of liquid nitrogen springing leaks, or the world being destroyed. If we get a utopian singularity, then any vitrified people will be quickly reanimated. (95%)


Vergil25 t1_iyl3izm wrote

All we need is rapid cellular regeneration agents.