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t1_j13ukzi wrote

My opinions below are on the next 5 years:

The GPU market has shown the price point of GPUs are much higher than the previous £300 mark as Gen Y have shifted to higher wages. Crypto may have impacted prices but £600-£1000 GPUs are here to stay.
The foundations of VR have been laid down but its still very rough around the edges. The next 5 years is going to be interesting as better solutions will come to the market however I expect them to still be pricey. VR is currently for the ultra enthusiast and its currently missing its killer games. We have had Boneworks / Alyx however most games are currently skin deep / novelty. The software is lagging behind considerably behind the hardware but the hardware is still not good enough.
The metaverse is dead for the next 5 years I believe but it won't stop corps from trying. Meta will slow its push and will offer services that people don't want for various reasons. I suspect Valves push to VR will be preferred and eventually dominant as Valve is focused on the user experience over monetization. Meta will be first but their product will be so botched that it won't matter.
Valve releases the Deckerd VR headset in late 2023 or some point in 2024. It sells like hotcakes with a superior VR interface not just on the hardware side but more importantly on the software side.

Games as a service is here to stay and the aggressive micro transaction / loot boxes and dark patterns of mobile gaming will be coming more to the PC where choices between grinding vs paying will become the norm in the biggest titles. Diablo Immortal was just the opening depressing salvo in this war of attrition that gamers I believe will lose as a whole unless government steps in. In other words full priced games with a focus on infinite spendability will be dominant in the big titles.
The western hand holding model / accessibility when it comes to difficulty / game design of gaming probs will take a step back for favour of From Software / Elden Ring style for the next few years.
AI probs will still be brain dead for another few more years outside of assisted speech and AI assisted animation. I suspect we will need a plugin advanced AI model from a third party into game engines before we actually get competent AI decision making, think like physx.
More games will be jumping on the broken / incomplete on release whilst charging full prices and getting away with it.
The good news I suspect Crypto / NFT inspired games stay in the infancy even if crypto rises again.
Finally, Valves work into making Linux a better platform for gaming is starting to pay off over windows. Making it a serious contender for more people to switch over.