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22HitchSlaps t1_j1fiz4u wrote

I get why you think in such a manner given the amount of negativity around "AI killer robots" kind of nonsense but I just don't feel like your argument will play out the way you think it will. Putting aside debates about how far along the technology is and how fast it will improve and evolve, the real issue is our pre-existing economic and political systems. We just do not have the ability to deal with this right now.

Firstly it needs to create at least as many jobs as it takes away and it needs to create those jobs in the same industry as it's removing them from. Which to me just seems impossible. How are you going to re-train millions of truck drivers for instance.

People always bang on about the industrial revolution as if they are even remotely similar. There's no comparison to AI in human history. Period. And even if the analogy held up are we going to ignore the impact the industrial revolution had, say on the wars that followed?

Even if everything goes right with the technology, I just don't see how we as a society are going to travel through it without completely restructuring society.


Ortus12 t1_j1g6rw3 wrote

I expect at minimum a million deaths from starvation, suicide, and increased crime caused by many people not having jobs before society restructures and implements UBI.

European countries will probably implement UBI first.

As jobs start to get automated countries may start or escalate wars so they have a meat grinder to pour all the jobless people into (while there still are some jobs left for a shrinking percentage).