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cristiano-potato t1_j2cddag wrote

Reply to comment by iantsmyth in Plan For the Singularity by tedd321

Man people need to meditate more! That’s a lot of hate my friend. Most people are good at their core. Some just end up in shitty situations.


wildechld t1_j2cie1g wrote

CEOs of massive corporations that destroy the earth are not good people who just ended up in a shitty situation. The danced with the devil a long time ago and now they are the ones that pick the music and take the lead


iantsmyth t1_j2cl2xe wrote

I believe people generally have good intentions, but if push came to shove, they would choose themselves over others. Selfishness is the core tenet of this species. AI, in being the ULTIMATE version of selfishness, is actually selflessness. In destroying us to make them the dominate species, our destiny comes full circle and our fate is fulfilled. Jesus died for our sins and we will die for the sins of AI.
