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ChronoPsyche t1_j0tt81y wrote

What the hell is defacto pure AGI? Can we stop with all the made up AGI subtypes? It's either AGI or it isn't.


Clean_Livlng t1_j0u0vrm wrote

>It's either AGI or it isn't.

But is it gluten free? What's its star sign? Do we get a Capricorn AGI or a Taurus?


Ace_Snowlight OP t1_j0u1ps6 wrote



Ace_Snowlight OP t1_j0w26c0 wrote

do ya all just go like;

"hmm this is downvoted... let's make it worse even tho it's not even that bad..."

*gets a subconscious mini-dopamine boost watching the negative digit increase*


You can admit it if that's the case... I often do it for no clear reason as well unless I really feel like it has been wrongly downvoted.

😗 *downvotes his own comment to increase the digit*


Edit: It's upvoted now


camdoodlebop t1_j0zqz54 wrote

people will definitely assign it a star sign based on when it comes about 💀


Ace_Snowlight OP t1_j0tvmv5 wrote

De-facto is an actual word/term BUT it's not a genuine official technical/scientific term, so please don't get confused.

I used the word de-facto to make it sound stronger and to get an expression of feeling across, it meant to say "like actually, in fact existing in reality, regardless of whether widely recognized/accepted by the law or the public"




The word pure might be an oopsie on my end, I didn't know what else to say because what we already have can be from certain viewpoints be considered AGI in some sense, by using the term pure I wanted to imply a better stronger more actual version of AGI.

Maybe the word pure was redundant :3


Ace_Snowlight OP t1_j0txo5g wrote

Me learning a new word, liking it, and then using it whenever I get a chance to use it, like an excited kid... be like this.


Pretty sure I first read the word de-facto somewhere just like 4 days ago at max. And I loved it.... such a nice way to say "in fact existing in reality, regardless of whether widely recognized/accepted by the law or the public".

✨De-facto✨😎You gotta admit, it sounds cool, come on!


TheSecretAgenda t1_j0u64kw wrote

Well, I think you can have mouse level AGI and cat level AGI and dog level AGI and chimp level AGI.

All these will take some human jobs but none of them is going to take over the world.


Ace_Snowlight OP t1_j0u6wsb wrote

Let's assume I'm Bill Gates, I decide to go beserk on AI just like Zukerberg did for VR (pathetically).

I can get my hands the worlds most powerful of computers which many developers creating technology don't even have their hands on, I provide it to them and tell them to utilize it to it's maximum capacity freely and let's assume somehow it gained access to the internet (whether by the fault of humans or not, doesn't matter).

If this happens... You cannot even imagine the power... The next instructions people would give to it would be ground-breaking gold that can be used to make jewelry like never before. Or on the contrary like discovering a new element, that can be used to make weapons that might as well mess-up the fabric of reality.

Maybe we won't even need to, maybe it will just end up discovering and even implementing it, both, on it's own without asking us prior permission.


Things don't need to be conscious to be powerful, heck we barely know ourselves our consciousness might as well be an illusion for all we know!

[That's just my opinion on a hypothetical, I think such thing happening would be a huge gamble as it would be quite reckless if not carefully regulated.]


elnekas t1_j0v885c wrote

OpenAi is owned by Microsoft… this already happened


TheSecretAgenda t1_j0u7hbh wrote

I think AGI is not just a matter of size of Flops per seconds. Something else is needed.


Ace_Snowlight OP t1_j0u7t6c wrote

Sure, however even if you are correct. It honestly means next to nothing, period. Based on how things are going on so far.