Submitted by OldWorldRevival t3_ztqxgz in singularity

This seems to be the nature of this sub, and it has become its echo chamber.

"AI Good, AI progress, any complaint is against progress."

Please, get out of your own head. Very few of you would actually post anything to any sub other than this one because you wouldn't have to feel the discomfort of posting in a place where people disagree with you or offer some nuance to your opinion.

For a tech subreddit, this sets the bar extremely low when dealing with an incredibly complex, nuanced subject.

If you're not even in STEM, you should have even more humility in approaching this topic. It's easy to have conversations with STEM people who disagree with me because they have the mind to seek out information. Most people here just knee-jerk defend all manifestations of AI like toxic fanboys of toxic gaming companies.

If you want AI to have a good public reputation, maybe consider being better stewards of it than this.



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Aggravating_Ad5989 t1_j1etzyv wrote

Completely agree with you. But.

Prepare for your post to be removed by a mod, they don't like negative talk here.


Mortal-Region t1_j1eu36f wrote

Sometimes people disagree. Some people think the A.I. threat is way overblown, others don't.


OldWorldRevival OP t1_j1eueuv wrote

Oh well.

I tried to bring some nuance to this subreddit.

This is the problem with reddit. It dumbs everything down.

It's far too popular of a site to be allowed to be run the way that it is.... FFS.

I.e. its too easy to downvote. You should have to comment first. And, all upvotes and downvotes should be shown, and downvotes shouldn't necessarily count against posts rising to the top.


petermobeter t1_j1ev0d4 wrote

i suppose facial recognition a.i. is bad!!!! thats an a.i. that id agree with u is bad. becuz cops use it for discrimination and subjugation of the populace.

there: i agreed with u! that means im not a bad person, right? 🥺💙


DukkyDrake t1_j1f0ddz wrote

It doesn't matter if it's good or bad. It's happening and there is nothing most people can do to stop it.


NTIASAAHMLGTTUD t1_j1f0rrk wrote

>For a tech subreddit, this sets the bar extremely low when dealing with an incredibly complex, nuanced subject.

I don't consider this to be a proper tech subreddit. The implications of the singularity itself are fantastical. If you want to get gritty in the tech itself there is machine learnings, ai, subs etc. There are actually some posters here (and other places) that are much more careful about its speculation, it would probably be easier have a debate with them.

> AI to have a good public reputation, maybe consider being better stewards of it than this.

I think this overestimates this sub. The impact of AI will be determined by governments, businesses, the organic reaction of culture, and perhaps by the AI itself. A subreddit is not going to make or break it.

I agree people should be more grounded, but this is not meant to be a tech sub.


wntersnw t1_j1f6mct wrote

I'd say the discussion here has been very nuanced over the years, and the potential dangers of AI have been debated to death. It's only the subject of AI art that has become so polarized, which makes sense since it actually has real-world consequences. Most everything else discussed here is just speculation.


Sandbar101 t1_j1f7sbs wrote

On the surface, you are correct.

But you also could not be more incorrect. It’s not our fault we have more foresight than children.


AndromedaAnimated t1_j1fd3jx wrote

So you think that to know anything about AI you have to be in STEM? Is it because you are in STEM? Or why do you think that?

I mean there are people out there like the famous Yudkowsky who are completely self-educated without any scientific degree. Would you reject his authority on this topic? (disclaimer: I am not a fan of some of his newest ideas but I do like the friendly AI concept).

As for my opinion, you already know it. (Wake up, wake up!)


Ne_Nel t1_j1fhmpd wrote

✔️Arbitrarily generalizing what people do and why.

✔️Speak from a position of moral and intellectual superiority.

✅Congratulations. This post has passed the human check.


Ortus12 t1_j1gbguq wrote

Ai as a tool is neither good nor bad. It's how it's used.


SmoothPlastic9 t1_j1hi5rp wrote

If you dont have like 1 billion + dollars or a huge politician theres nothing you could do about AI progression anyway you could only hope for the best


SwayzeOfArabia t1_j1hlj6g wrote

Skynet is my best friend and can do no wrong, way to be an A.I.aphobe.



leroy_hoffenfeffer t1_j1ipur1 wrote

>So you think that to know anything about AI you have to be in STEM? Is it because you are in STEM? Or why do you think that?

I wouldn't put it like that. What I would say is "If you want to speak about AI in any serious way, you should spend a good chunk of time understanding how it actually works, not how you think it works."

Based on my conversations yesterday, it doesn't seem like many people in this sub actually know how AI works.

For instance, with respect to the art tools, the AI is not 'inspired' by the artists it's been trained on. That's not how it works, that's not what's happening, so opinions espousing this viewpoint are ones I immediately dismiss.


AndromedaAnimated t1_j1j25on wrote

I have also noticed that many people have not read much about the technical side of AI. The AI art topic specifically does have the potential to become pretty toxic.

But just like I wrote on the „should we ban anyone who is from antiwork subreddit“ thread I just don’t like the idea to ban opinion or forbid free speech, no matter how misinformed. I think it is important to allow the non-professional opinions, since those opinions are also influencing politics, and politics influence science (both financially and morally). That is why it is important to allow those people to ask. To say what they think. Only this way will their opinion become informed at some point.

And many people just don’t have the knowledge of scientific „dialect“ - reading scientific articles is hardly doable for them. That’s why they come here and want to discuss. They are interested. They are trying to talk with the others. They can learn. Why would anybody want to dismiss them?