Submitted by asschaos t3_zfjula in singularity
Before the singularity, right now, we use scarcity-based economics to distribute resources using money and prices. After the singularity, post-scarcity for all resources will be possible. How will humanity adapt in the short and long term? Will we start a world war during the early stages of the transition because our economic system will have totally collapsed? Or will we learn to cooperate as a species and to abundantly share resources with all people? This is possibly the most tumultuous and uncertain period of human history, and we are moving, year by year, closer to a golden age of peace, prosperity, happiness, and health between all humans, or, we are heading towards our own destruction, and will destroy each other over ignorance, scarce resources, and the ultimate misuse of a thousand human lifetimes of scientific progress and ingenuity.
Sashinii t1_izc6fc7 wrote
I think we'll have post-scarcity before the singularity because of the nanofactory which doesn't even require AGI (but AGI will significantly accelerate the advent of the nanofactory).