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Lodge1722 t1_j29h0o6 wrote

Any source for the lifetime access? Quick search only lead me to their API pricing.


ReadSeparate t1_j29kvft wrote

Yeah I would like to see this as well, I couldn’t find it either


YouGotNieds t1_j29ktp9 wrote

on the android app InstaGPT they offer it


lehcarfugu t1_j29lkby wrote

This isn't through OpenAI, you are paying a third party. OpenAI charges by usage


nebson10 t1_j29nk9c wrote

Is InstaGPT a loophole to get a lifetime subscription to ChatGPT?


Zermelane t1_j29mja2 wrote

Sounds scammy. ChatGPT itself does not have an official API at all and the research preview is free to use, while with the other models (that do have official APIs) that OpenAI does charge for, they charge by usage, and purchasing lifetime access from a third party is... not likely to be a good deal, is the best I can say.


YouGotNieds t1_j29y5ya wrote

Might be actually. The app seemed really legit and I didn't consider buying it but it seemed like a good idea to have a subscription


noop_noob t1_j2a0msq wrote

That one will probably stop working as soon as OpenAI stops offering ChatGPT for free.


sharkymcstevenson2 t1_j2ck5l2 wrote

Yep! The real apps are built on GPT3 rather than reverse engineered ChatGPT hacks