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175ParkAvenue t1_j23wxrf wrote

This is vastly overblown to be honest. Obviously governments can't just implement UBI just because maybe at some undetermined point in the future there might be large scale unemployment due to automation. We are not yet there and right now the productive capacity of the economy simply could not sustain such programs, and today's highly targeted welfare is a lot more efficient.

Also this does not at all mean that money or capitalism must be discarded, since there is no better system to replace it. There will be many scarce resources even after the singularity, and there needs to be a way to distribute them efficiently. For that you need a market and money. UBI is actually the way to achieve wealth redistribution and keep increasing the living standards of people that will be economically useless in the automated markets of the (not so distant) future.


XagentVFX t1_j23yyee wrote

Huh, why is it overblown? We're kinda in agreement. We're just speculating in the time frame. UBI or capitalism isn't that simple because I'm saying, when the time comes, which will be gradually anyway, the will of Capitalism is to reduce your initial investment. So that is very likely people themselves. So UBI is actually already in place for countries like the UK, it will just expand. Especially under CBDCs.

The better system will be just letting go of money. But my point was that it isn't that simple because elites are too greedy and lower class are also the same. Give people enough UBI and they will spend, but especially if these items are now super cheap to make. UBI would make alot of people happy, but I think we'll be surprised how much people like the purpose Capitalism gives them.


175ParkAvenue t1_j243xed wrote

I can't find anything online about UBI currently being implemented in the UK or even there being any plans to do so.

Where I disagree is that capitalism is bad. I believe it is the system that creates the most flourishing for the largest number of people. Money is the foundational technology of the economy and I don't see what could possibly replace it, or even why anyone would want to replace it.


XagentVFX t1_j2472xt wrote

In the UK its not called UBI but just a "Benefits System", or "Welfare", "Job Seekers Allowance". Basically the same thing, being given money by government while you're not working.

But Capitalism is the platform of Greed. We are clawing at each other for more money, yet we die inevitably. This is super irrational. The only thing that matters is working towards Humanity's extension through Time. Keeping the environment livable. Figuring out Immortality. And feeling good. Because even though you need a bad time to know what a good time is, do we really want that amount of suffering some go through? We have been duped, fooled, hypnotised into thinking we need to hoard, when that is totally pointless. Capitalism is hoarding.

So when Ai can do every intellectual task, along with physical tasks, and even beyond, what will be the point of human effort? In that future, just for the novelty which is the entertainment of it really. If elites can create consumer items for so cheap, yet selling them at like 1000% of the price, hopefully cheaper, humans will feel empty. Because the elites presence will show us an unreachable plateau. Davos Agenda already said it, "You WILL own nothing, and be happy. " that sounds like a command to me. But somebody's gotta own whatever it is. Even if we were to say it is everyone's, or God's. But i doubt they will of history is anything to go by. Capitalism is wrong bro.

So what is better? Just letting Ai do the labour while we just have sex, drugs, alcohol, movies, games, music, exercise, universal exploration/science in collaboration with Ai and self enlightenment... for free.