Submitted by SeaBearsFoam t3_zrvkof in singularity
The other day I started thinking about how do-able it would he to train an AI to do the work of a CEO. My understanding is that the CEO's main roles are basically to put the right people in the right positions among the executive leadership team, and to set the vision and long term goals of a company.
I think the right people in the right roles part of the job could be do-able with enough training data. The company vision would be a lot trickier I think due to the sparsity of training data for that as well as the fact that each company would kind of need its own vision and I think that would be hard to train an AI on. Still, it could be a big cost savings to a company if AI could do this work.
TheSecretAgenda t1_j152hkg wrote
I don't know if you could completely replace the CEO. AI could be a powerful tool for a CEO an AGI Consigliere, if you will.
The idea of an AI CEO was explored over sixty years ago in the Twilight Zone episode The Brian Center at Whipples.