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MrTacobeans t1_j0wgheb wrote

I really don't see why AR/VR is so intertwined with Blockchain shenanigans. If a web 3 develops some day I don't really see a future where block chain is the enabling software to provide secure meaningful interactions. This can already be done almost entirely without crypto. Look at any MMO. Almost every single game survived decades without a shiny new minted Blockchain.

Even in a decentralized network there needs to be a centralized player(s) to guarantee the network doesn't fail. What's the point of an extremely secure network if there is no full guarantee that data will still be secure and present in 10 years.

Or say we figured out all the technicalities and you some how lost every key/recovery. That means part of the chain will be functionally locked away forever without a significant upheaval or a chain that can break rules without security implications.

To me if a web 3 develops. It'll likely be an extremely efficient hub of data with some sort of strong AI influence but not something solely based on the security of crypto


thEiAoLoGy t1_j0ycdba wrote

Decentralization was tried in games with p2p and it sucks.